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** SALE ** The Official NAMU® Underwriter Boot Camp... Click to Download Brochure >>
** SALE ** The Official NAMU® Underwriter Boot Camp... Click to Download Brochure >>



The National Association of Mortgage Underwriters® (NAMU®) is a leading provider of online "professional development" mortgage underwriting training & certification programs. NAMU® is a “virtual” online community of like-minded mortgage professionals who wish to learn how to become proficient in mortgage underwriting, quality control and regulatory compliance. At NAMU® we offer a variety of in-depth online "professional development" training & certification programs for both in-house residential & commercial mortgage loan underwriters as well as contract mortgage underwriters. 

Founded in 2012, NAMU® is a "for profit" company striving to help jumpstart mortgage underwriting careers nationwide. NAMU® also offers an online Discussion Group for mortgage underwriters and provides aspiring mortgage professionals with helpful articles, free mortgage training video tips, recruiting services for employerscurrent underwriting job postingsmortgage underwriting guidelinesunderwriter education and

NASBA Accreditation...

NAMU® is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:

Mortgage Underwriting Community...

Our certificants range from mortgage professionals working at Fortune 500 banks to contract underwriters & in-house residential / commercial underwriters working at small to mid-size mortgage companies. Our certificants either have a thorough understanding of mortgage underwriting practices or are taking steps to learn -- from due diligence, to manual underwriting, to AUS, to tax returns analysis, to LTV/DTI, to reading appraisals & title reports, to FHA DE & LAPP/SAR underwriting, to red flagging and more. Just as important, our certificants have agreed to adhere to the NAMU® Code of Ethics.

NAMU® Offers:

At NAMU® you'll discover a roadmap to successful mortgage underwriting as well as what it takes to become a skilled mortgage loan underwriter -- both as an in-house underwriter and contract mortgage underwriter.